Create Payment Plan

This describes how to create a payment plan.


Quidpay helps you collect payments recurrently from your customers using a payment plan. Payment plans allow you create a subscription for your customers.

When you have created a payment plan you can subscribe a customer to it by simply passing the plan ID in your request to charge the customers card.

Payment plan endpoint:




amounttruethis is the amount for the plan.
nametrueThis is what would appear on the subscription reminder email
intervaltrueThis are the charge intervals possible values are:
daily; weekly; monthly; yearly; quarterly; bi-anually; every 2 days; every 90 days; every 5 weeks; every 12 months; every 6 years; every x y (where x is a number and y is the period e.g. every 5 months)
e.g. interval: "daily"
durationfalseThis is the frequency, it is numeric, e.g. if set to 5 and intervals is set to monthly you would be charged 5 months, and then the subscription stops.
seckeytrueThis is the secret key of the account creating the payment plan.


Handling amount when creating a payment plan

Case 1: if amount is not set, the amount that would be used for the plan is the amount charged from the customer when you start the subscription.

Case 2: if amount is set when creating plan, and an amount is passed when doing the subscription i.e. payment via the pay-button or via api calling charge endpoint. Then we charge the customer amount you passed at subscription as initial charge, and for subsequent charges use the amount set when creating the plan.

Case 3: if amount is not set when creating plan, and an amount is passed when doing the subscription i.e. payment via the pay-button or via api calling charge endpoint. Then we use the amount you passed as the amount for the plan.

Sample parameters to pass

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --data '{"amount":"100","name":"Gate Waters","interval":"monthly","duration":3,"seckey":"FLWSECK-e6db11d1f8a6208de8cb2f94e293450e-X"}'
	"amount": "2000",
  "name": "The Premium Plan",
  "interval": "monthly",
  "duration": "12",
  "seckey": "FLWSECK-xxxx929292929292929-X"
    "status": "success",
    "message": "CREATED-PAYMENTPLAN",
    "data": {
        "id": 13,
        "name": "N/A",
        "amount": 0,
        "interval": "daily",
        "duration": 0,
        "status": "active",
        "plan_token": "rpp_2691c2319b943d39e4b5",
        "date_created": "2018-02-21T15:34:13.000Z"


Retrieving the payment plan ID

The parameter you need when you create a payment plan is the payment plan ID, this can be found in the creation response, as in the example response above the value we get would be the numeric number 13

How do I charge my customer for a subscription after creating a payment plan ?

Option 1:
You can now use the payment plan ID, to perform subscription payments via the inline Javascript method. see an example using the Recurring billing Javascript function:

// Sample showing how to add a plan ID to your javascript embed function

var x = getpaidSetup({
      PBFPubKey: API_publicKey,
      customer_email: "[email protected]",
      amount: 2000,
      customer_phone: "234099940409",
      currency: "NGN",
      txref: "quidpay-123456",
      payment_plan: 13,
      meta: [{metaname:"flightID", metavalue: "AP1234"}],
      onclose: function() {},
      callback: function(response) {
        var flw_ref = response.tx.flwRef; // collect flwRef returned and pass to a 					server page to complete status check.
        console.log("This is the response returned after a charge", response);
        if (
          response.tx.chargeResponseCode == "00" ||
          response.tx.chargeResponseCode == "0"
        ) {
          // redirect to a success page
        } else {
          // redirect to a failure page.
        x.close(); // use this to close the modal immediately after payment.

Option 2: You can can use the Card Payments API to charge the customer by simply adding the payment_plan ID to your request.

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{"client":"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","PBFPubKey":"FLWPUBK-7adb6177bd71dd43c2efa3f1229e3b7f-X","alg":"3DES-24"}'
  "PBFPubKey": "FLWPUBK-4e581ebf8372cd691203b27227e2e3b8-X",
  "cardno": "5399830240760817",
  "cvv": "473",
  "expirymonth": "12",
  "expiryyear": "20",
  "currency": "NGN",
  "country": "NG",
  "payment_plan": 13,
  "amount": "10",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "phonenumber": "0902620185",
  "firstname": "temi",
  "lastname": "desola",
  "IP": "355426087298442",
  "txRef": "MC-" +,// your unique merchant reference
  "meta": [{metaname: "flightID", metavalue: "123949494DC"}],
  "redirect_url": "",
  "device_fingerprint": "69e6b7f0b72037aa8428b70fbe03986c"